Whenuakite Country Kids is currently accepting new enrolments for both our Tūī and Kererū Rooms.
To enrol tamariki at the centre, please download and complete our Enrolment Form from the link above,
or you can collect a physical copy from our reception desk.
Please return the completed form to us, along with any required documentation.
(This can either be done via e-mail to: info@wck.co.nz or delivered in person).
Please contact us if you have any questions about enrolment. Phone: 07 8663360 or email: info@wck.co.nz
To help settle your child, it is ideal to visit as many times as possible prior to the start date.
Please visit with your child to help them feel familiar in the centre and get to know Kaiako, tamariki and WCK rituals.
We welcome you to have a tea or coffee and kōrero with staff prior to your child's start date to ensure we
support your child's needs at WCK.
Our policy recommends a minimum of three visits prior to your child starting,
preferably on the days and times that they are booked to attend.
One or two of these visits, you'll be supported to leave the centre environment for a short while
to help your child with saying goodbye and understanding that parents and whānau always come back.
* During a childs enrolment, all authorised pick-ups are issued with their own individual PIN. This number is to be entered into the iPad to record your childs attendance times and help identify who is coming and going from the centre. Please ensure you use 'YOUR OWN' assigned PIN when dropping off or collecting children.
A list of the pre-assigned PIN's is available from reception if required.
When you arrive with your child at WCK please:
*For safety reasons, we will only let your child leave with people that you have nominated on your enrolment form. Your authorised pick-ups will be assigned their own individual PIN for entry in the iPad.
If you need to make alternative arrangements for your child's pick up, please let us know ahead of time.
When collecting your child from WCK please:
Please note - Our Kaiako/Child ratio is based on your childs enrolment times.
To avoid being charged additional fees, please advise us ASAP if you are going to be dropping your child off earlier,
or collecting them later than your booked times.
Please refer to our fee policy for late fee charges.
The centre is not responsible for children after our licenced hours, and while in transit to and from the centre.
Please advise us if you change your address, email or phone numbers. This is important in emergency situations.
When enrolling your child you are required to give details of persons authorised to collect your child, plus an alternative contact in case of an emergency when parents cannot be contacted. Please make sure you notify us if there are any changes to this information.
Centre communication will be shared on Storypark, sent via email or placed in your child's pocket (by the front door).
The Centre publishes a monthly panui/newsletter, which will be emailed to you and shared on Storypark.
Parental permission must be received, prior to uploading to Social Media or publicly sharing any photos taken
of any tamariki whilst at our centre or at centre related activities.
Please ask us for further information.