All fees are inclusive of GST, and charged for a child's permanently enrolled hours and for any additional hours attended.
Fees payable on invoice are encouraged to be paid by Direct Credit into our bank account within 14 days of receipt of invoice.
Please ask for a receipt for cash when paid to the office (No Eftpos available).
Accounts will be emailed to the billpayer on a Tuesday.
**To ensure accounts are not diverted to spam, please ensure that you have our e-mail address ( saved in your e-mail contacts and marked as safe.
Please note, for a child who is receiving 20 hours ECE Funding at Whenuakite Country Kids, these are optional charges.
If 4 weeks notice is given of your child's absence no fees will be charged for up to 3 weeks absence.
20 Hours ECE Funding and WINZ Childcare Subsidies will cease if your child's absence is longer than three consecutive weeks.
If 2 weeks notice is given of your child's absence, 50% fees will be charged for up to 3 weeks absence.
If less than 2 weeks notice is given of your child's absence, full fees shall be charged.
A holding fee hold's a child's place for prolonged absences of 3 weeks or more:
For unusual situations a holding fee shall be determined and applied at the discretion of the Finance Committee
We plan staff rosters weekly and according to ECE ratio regulations and the children booked.
The more notice we are given of a childs absence, the easier it is to change ratios to efficiently manage staff and tamariki,
as well as allowing other tamariki to attend, if space permits.
Parents will be charged for the hours that they have booked or signed for
(Not including 20 hours ECE, or WINZ childcare subsidies) each week.
If your child is enrolled full time ( 5 days per week) then they are entitled to 10 sick days per year.
If your child is enrolled part-time , they will be entitled to 5 sick days per year. Full fees shall be charged after this.
The centre has the right to terminate your child's enrolment in cases of 1 month overdue accounts,
and refer outstanding fees including collection costs to debt collection.
WINZ Childcare Subsidy: Many families are eligible for a Childcare subsidy from Work and Income NZ;
please ask us for information and assistance.
Please note, 3 weeks or more consecutive absence, WINZ subsidies will cease